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Betts Recruiting 2020 Compensation Guide

The Wait Is Over: Our 2020 Compensation Guide Is Here!

The Betts Team
February 5, 2020

Question: what does a recent college grad looking for his first sales role have in common with a CEO working to build her executive team? Answer: they’ve got money on the brain. Whatever your position in the workforce, having a solid grasp of current compensation standards in your space is a key ingredient to success. Without guidance on the typical breakdown of sales commission structure vs. base, marketing salary standards, and other benchmarks, you’re navigating a competitive terrain in the dark.

The good news? We’ve got something to light your way.

Betts Recruiting has released our much-anticipated 2020 Compensation Guide. The guide provides up-to-date salary, commission, and on-target earnings benchmarks across dozens of roles and six U.S. geographies. This data is culled from the thousands of sales, marketing, and people operations roles we helped fill in 2019. Whether you’re a Sales Development Representative or a Marketing Executive, you can find answers to key questions in the Comp Guide, including:

  • Am I being paid fairly based on my role and geography?
  • Are my offers competitive enough to attract the best talent?
  • What are the highest-paid roles in my field?
  • Which roles do companies see as most essential to their strategies in 2020?

Everything you loved in our 2019 Comp Guide – and then some

Our 2019 Comp Guide had lots of great compensation data and was far-and-away our most popular guide of 2019, both among the companies who partner with us to fill key roles and the professionals who turn to us to help advance their careers. 

But the 2019 guide offered data and data alone. In 2020, we’re taking it up a notch. Not only will you find compensation data – you’ll get analysis, quotes from real experts and sales reps hired through Betts, profiles of key up-and-coming roles, and more. We highlight eye-catching findings in the data and offer our takeaways, so you can start to make sense not only of where we are now, but where we’re headed. 

Preview from the guide

Here’s a sample of one of the findings from our guide, complete with our analysis.
  Finding: The average actual salary for sales leaders is toward the high end of the hiring companies’ budgets. For SDRs and AEs, the average actuals are toward the low end.

Takeaway: Because leadership roles are more senior, candidates for these roles are more seasoned negotiators. No surprise there. Junior sales reps may be anxious, eager, and therefore more likely to take the first offer they receive or tamp down their salary expectations. Our advice to them: Don’t be afraid to negotiate! The discrepancy between actual salary and budgeted salary tells us you can get more.

Be among the first to see the guide

It’s a new year and a new decade. Compensation benchmarks are evolving. Get the 2020 Compensation Guide so you can pursue your professional and company goals armed with key knowledge.