Betts Recruiting

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Betts Connect: Say Hello to Your New Hire

Scale your team faster and smarter with an intuitive hiring platform.
It’s time to get smarter about recruiting. Betts Connect gives hiring managers access to the entire Betts talent network of over 20,000 vetted revenue-generating professionals, all in an intuitive online platform. That means no more cold outreach or wading through unqualified candidates – just an elite network of talented professionals waiting to hear from you.

  • 40%+ average candidate response rate.
  • Hours saved on screening
  • Free and easy ATS integration
  • 20,000+ candidate profiles to choose from
  • Reach out to candidates directly within the platform.

Need 3 SDRs and 2 AEs yesterday? Betts Connect has you covered.

Reduce screening. Control quality and costs. Hire faster.

  • Every candidate in Connect is vetted for quality, so you can do less DQing and more interviewing.
  • Granular search filters instantly surface candidates who meet the profile you’re looking for.
  • Predictable SaaS subscription model helps you simplify and control your hiring expenses.
    • Filter searches by:

      • Average deal size and sales cycle
      • Average deal size and sales cycle
      • Salary expectations
      • Typical quota carried
      • Location

      “Betts Connect really helped solve multiple challenges we were facing. We got results much more quickly than we had before. I think any recruiter would find success using this platform to hire sales reps at a company like ours.”

      Mia Carrasco, Business Recruiter, Grammarly

Partner with Betts Recruiting

Whether you’re looking for the best people to grow your organization, or searching for your next opportunity, Betts can help.