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Great Resignation 2.0 – Mid-Market Tech

The Betts Team
May 18, 2023

The key trends behind employee turnover and the types of companies that these individuals are trying to move away from.

It’s no secret that companies invest heavily in their hiring processes, but what about retaining the talent they already have? Employee retention is an important aspect of running a successful tech business, yet it’s often overlooked. At Betts, we have a large network of talented professionals, and we receive inquiries from job seekers every day. Many of these inquiries come from people who are looking to leave their current employer, and we’ve noticed some key trends in the types of companies that these individuals are trying to move away from.

In this blog post, we’ll share with you three trends we’ve observed in the companies that our candidates are trying to leave, as well as some advice for preventing this turnover.

Trend 1: Mid-Market Companies: A Departure Trend

In a recent review of the candidates seeking new opportunities, it was found that a significant portion of them, 55%, came from the mid-market space in the tech industry. Out of the 5,600 candidates who approached us in the last 45 days, showing interest in a new job or expressing a desire for a change, the majority belonged to mid-market companies with 500-5000 employees. These companies have typically surpassed the startup phase but have not yet reached the scale of larger enterprises. Having experienced substantial growth, they now face various challenges related to organizational structure and communication, leading to employee frustration and a greater inclination to explore other career prospects. Despite the mid-market space representing only a fraction of the overall US tech market, it constitutes an overwhelming majority within our candidate pool.

Our advice for mid-market companies is to focus on communication and transparency. As your organization grows, it’s important to keep everyone on the same page. This can be challenging, but it’s critical for keeping your employees engaged and motivated. Consider investing in regular company-wide meetings, creating open channels of communication, and providing regular updates on company progress. When your employees feel that they’re part of the bigger picture, they’re more likely to stick around.

Trend 2: GTM Professionals: Seeking Growth and Balance

Another significant trend we have observed is the increasing number of candidates in the GTM (Go-to-Market) space actively seeking new opportunities. A primary driver behind this trend is the dissatisfaction with their current companies, both in terms of financial compensation and perceived lack of success. Many professionals in the GTM space are motivated to explore other options as they feel they are not making enough money or achieving the level of success they desire within their present organizations.

In today’s competitive job market, employees seek more than just a paycheck. They aspire to work for companies that not only offer financial stability but also value their personal lives and overall well-being. If a company is notorious for demanding long working hours and providing little time off, it is highly likely that its employees will start searching for alternative employment opportunities.

To address this challenge, our advice for companies struggling with work-life balance in the GTM space is to prioritize employee wellness as a core aspect of their organizational culture. This can be accomplished by implementing measures such as offering flexible work arrangements, introducing policies like an unlimited vacation policy, or providing access to comprehensive wellness programs. When employees feel that their well-being is genuinely valued and supported by their employers, they are more likely to remain motivated, productive, and engaged in their work.

Trend 3: Toxic Cultures: A Catalyst for Departure

The third trend we’ve observed is the significant number of candidates who are leaving companies with a toxic culture. A toxic culture can stem from various factors, including poor leadership, lack of diversity and inclusion, or an overall negative work environment. These companies often experience high employee turnover rates as talented individuals seek a healthier and more supportive work environment.

While the Great Resignation 2.0, a term used to describe the anticipated wave of mass resignations, hasn’t fully materialized yet, there are signs indicating that it may be on the horizon. The current trends we’re witnessing suggest that employees are becoming more selective about where they work and are increasingly willing to leave toxic environments in search of better opportunities.

For companies grappling with a toxic culture, it’s crucial to prioritize cultural transformation. This entails taking proactive steps to address the root causes of toxicity and foster a positive and inclusive work environment. Hiring a diversity and inclusion specialist can help bring a fresh perspective and implement initiatives that promote equity and belonging. Regular training programs on topics such as communication, conflict resolution, and empathy can also contribute to creating a healthier work environment. Additionally, establishing a clear code of conduct that sets expectations for behavior and consequences for violating those standards can help deter toxic behaviors.

It’s important for companies to acknowledge that a toxic culture not only drives away top talent but also hinders overall organizational success. By investing in cultural transformation and creating an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and supported, companies can improve their retention rates and attract high-performing individuals. Especially when trying to attract top tech talent, partnering with a recruitment agency with a stellar reputation like Betts can help transform candidates’ opinions and improve their willingness to interview. 


As we navigate the landscape of the mid-market tech industry, it is crucial for companies to pay attention to employee retention in addition to their hiring efforts. The trends we’ve identified highlight the factors that drive employees to seek new opportunities elsewhere. Mid-market companies must prioritize effective communication and transparency to address challenges related to growth and maintain employee engagement.

Moreover, in the GTM space, companies need to recognize that financial dissatisfaction and a lack of perceived success can lead to talent attrition. By prioritizing employee wellness and work-life balance, organizations can create an environment that fosters both personal and professional growth, enhancing employee satisfaction and commitment.

Lastly, companies must address toxic cultures, which can have detrimental effects on both employees and overall organizational success. Taking proactive steps to transform the culture, such as investing in diversity and inclusion, providing regular training programs, and establishing clear codes of conduct, can help create a positive and inclusive work environment that attracts and retains top talent.

While the anticipated wave of the Great Resignation 2.0 may not have fully materialized, it is crucial for companies to anticipate its potential impact and take action to mitigate turnover. By understanding these trends and implementing the recommended strategies, organizations can position themselves as desirable employers, fostering a loyal and engaged workforce that drives their success in the long term. With the right strategies and hiring partners in place, you can build a top-performing sales team that can help your company achieve its goals and overcome any obstacles.

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