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How to Manage Your Stress While Working From Home

The Betts Team
June 2, 2022

There are a lot of benefits that working from home can give you. Flexibility is one of the biggest factors companies have switched to remote operations. However, this flexibility comes with some downsides if not spent right. Managing work from home can be stressful, isolating, and impact your mental and physical wellbeing. Here are 4 tips to manage this stress: 

  1. Keep your social life thriving 

Your support system, including your family, housemates, friends, and workmates, can ease the boredom and feelings of loneliness that can arise from work at home. It is sometimes easy to make work your entire personality or get caught up in it to the point where you don’t have a social life. Creating plans, saying yes to plans, and constantly seeing your support system can boost your energy and help you readjust your mindset to be more positive. Having a social life can even lead to higher productivity since breaks and quick catch-ups can shake off stress from work. Virtual hangouts might not have as much impact as in-person hangouts, but they are worth a shot and can help get to know virtual coworkers. 

  1. Have some rest and take some breaks 

Resting and healthy sleep is vital for mental health, productivity, and reducing stress. Working too much or consecutively without breaks can exhaust all your energy and mental capacity. It will help you set your working hours and be consistent with them in the long term. Repeating your work schedule will make the start and end of your work day be the same and help with not overstepping work boundaries when you know you’re supposed to be resting. Short breaks like going on a quick walk or running quick errands can get your blood pumping and your mind fresh. Breaks are rewards that can keep you motivated to complete tasks. Long periods of sitting can cause stiffness and can add to your stress. Shake off the stress by being kind to yourself and giving yourself breaks and some rest. 

  1. Create a routine 

Creating a routine strengthens mental health by reducing the number of decisions you have to make daily. You are able to have more energy doing things when you are prepared for the tasks planned in a day. In addition, even if all tasks weren’t completed in a day, you have more peace and control as you go through the day. Planning your day doesn’t just start and end with what you have to do—the “where” is also essential and you should dedicate unique locations for specific tasks. As mentioned before, breaks are super important and should be incorporated into your routine. 

  1. Be compassionate with yourself 

We’re living in new times and figuring out how to work amidst an evolving pandemic, so it’s more important now than ever to be compassionate with yourself. You don’t have to be productive 100% of the time. Some days, just doing the bare minimum is all that can be managed, which is perfectly okay. Permit yourself to feel the stress, but don’t let it consume you. Tell yourself that it will pass, and you’re strong enough to get through it. The more stressed you’re feeling, the more critical it is to remind yourself of that.

While working from home may provide a sense of freedom and flexibility and a no-cost commute, there are hidden stressors to be aware of. By focusing on what you can do to mitigate this stress, you can improve your overall work-life balance and general well-being. Visit to learn more.