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4 Cover Letter Tips to Help You Land a Sales Job

4 Cover Letter Tips to Help You Land a Sales Job

The Betts Team
October 17, 2016

If you’re applying for jobs online, chances are you’re going to face a screen asking you to upload a resume and a cover letter. We’ve outlined four cover letter tips to help you write a more engaging document. Cover letters are an overlooked way to create a relationship with a hiring manager. Don’t miss an opportunity to set yourself apart in the interview process!

Engage Early

Although cover letters can be daunting to write, don’t get sucked into a simple format. Hiring managers have to read countless cover letters a day. First and foremost, start your cover letter with a hook to set yourself apart. Using an emotional image or story about the company is one example. You can also use a quote or hyperbolic statement. Regardless of how you do it, find the hook best fits your personality and passion. Don’t let your cover letter blur into the background with countless others.

Explain the “So What”

A cover letter is a great way to show your interest in a company. Find out why you want the role and talk about it. What is exciting about the company and why does it interest you? How does your experience translate to the role at hand? And most importantly, how can you add value to the organization? Explaining why your professional experience and personal attributes are ideal for the position can help bring your resume to life. Weave in your professional growth with your different roles and responsibilities. In your cover letter, explain why you would accept an offer from the company and sidestep any questions or concerns about your passions for the company’s mission.

Keep it Simple

Regurgitating your resume is a waste of time. Make sure your cover letter is additive to your resume. Highlight the overarching impact you had in your previous company and position. Using strong metrics can help demonstrate how you evolved your role. Don’t feel the need to list every responsibility you had. Your cover letter should focus on what you learned, how you grew professionally, and what you have to offer. Remember, the hiring manager will also look at your resume to get the details of each sales position. Your cover letter is an appeal regarding your greater characteristics and potential.

Don’t Copy & Paste

Lastly, if you’re taking the time to write a cover letter, make sure it is specific to each company you are applying to. Cover letters are meant to appeal to individual hiring managers and specifications of a single role. The more tailored your cover letter is, the more impactful it will be. Talk about why the specific position you’re applying for is an ideal fit with your career. Touch on any personal connections you may have with the company, its product, or the hiring manager. Your cover letter gives you an opportunity to build rapport beyond just presenting your stats. Take advantage of the open format and target your cover letters.