Betts Recruiting

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Hire Better People, Faster, With Connect

Get access to a handpicked network of go-to-market professionals actively seeking their next opportunity, and see measurable ROI in just 3-4 months.

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What is Connect?

By leveraging 11 years of recruiting experience, we’ve created a platform that enables you to spend less time hiring top go-to-market talent, save money on recruiting fees, and spend more time focusing on your go-to-market strategy.

Hire faster

Since everyone on Connect has been extensively vetted by our recruiters, you can skip the phone screen and jump right into interviewing top people.

find your dream hire

Search through an exclusive network of candidates by previous quotas, deal size, industries sold to, and more to find the exact people you’re looking for.

Seamless Integrations

Betts Connect features integrations with Greenhouse and Lever, so it fits in seamlessly with your ATS and other recruiting tools.

See How Grammarly Reduced Time To Hire By 65%

“Betts Connect really helped solve multiple challenges we were facing. We got results much more quickly than we had before working with Betts. I think any recruiter would find success using this platform to hire sales reps at a company like ours.”

Mia Carrasco, Business Recruiter at Grammarly
Betts is Trusted by the Most Innovative Companies in the World
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A Recruiting Platform Unlike Any Other

Betts Connect is the culmination of more than a decade’s worth of recruiting experience and is the only go-to-market recruiting platform built by recruiters and powered by recruiters. Schedule a demo today, and see how Connect can help.

See Connect in Action