Betts Recruiting

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An Introduction to Hiring for the Modern Sales Leader

How to Build a Rock-Solid Sales Leadership Team and Ensure Strong Growth
What You’ll Find In This eBook:
  • How to recognize a great sales leader that can develop and execute on an ambitious growth strategy
  • Key info about various sales leadership roles, including compensation data and expected contributions to your company
  • How to keep the modern sales leader motivated to maximize their performance and crush quotas
  • A detailed, step-by-step guide to the interview process:
    • Sourcing
    • Phone Screen
    • Onsite Interviews
    • Board Conversation
    • References

If you run a high-growth company, you’ve got ambitious revenue goals to hit every single quarter. If you don’t have a strong sales leader at the helm, it’s difficult to achieve the stability that sales teams rely on in today’s competitive environment.

That’s why, after helping hundreds of teams hire top sales leaders, we developed our eBook “Introduction to Hiring for the Modern Sales Leader.” This ultimate hiring guide, developed by real sales recruiters and executive headhunters at Betts Recruiting, brings to light the impact a strong sales leadership team can have on an organization. It covers everything you need to know about hiring a modern sales leader, from what motivates them to what goes into making the final offer.

Also in this eBook: A detailed account from our friends at Stitch Labs, who describe how they identified their sales leadership needs and implemented a hiring process that resulted in the successful onboarding of top leaders and scaling of their team. 

After helping hundreds of teams hire top sales leadership through our sales recruiter services, we’ve created this eBook to give you insight on what that process looks like so you can bring on the star leaders your sales team needs. Consider this your definitive guide to hiring the modern sales leader. Download it for free today!

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