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What they won’t tell you after bombing an interview

What they won’t tell you after bombing an interview

The Betts Team
March 12, 2015

Have you ever walked out of an interview thinking you killed it only to find out that the hiring manager decided not to move forward with your candidacy? More often than not, you’re shocked that you did not make it to the next step and you want answers. We see this happen more than you’d think in the interviewing process.

Most hiring managers won’t tell you why you didn’t make it, but they do tell us. Here are a few common reasons you didn’t make it to the next round and how to avoid them next time.

  1. You were late to the interview.

You even called the hiring manager ahead of time to let them know you were stuck in a little bit of traffic and would only be a few minutes late. While this is a proactive step if you are going to be slightly behind for an interview, it sets you up for failure from the start. Your late arrival causes hiring managers to walk into the interview with a negative attitude. This may cause them to pick on things they otherwise wouldn’t even notice, like the outfit you’re wearing or the way you talked about your job transitions. Arriving early for an interview  shows you are disciplined, responsible, and that you care about the upcoming interview.

  1. You weren’t completely engaged in the conversation.

You do not need to take notes in an interview like you are preparing for an AP History test, but hiring managers can tell if you are actively listening. Take a few notes throughout their conversation, and refer back to them when it is your turn to ask questions. One of the main reasons we see hiring managers not move forward with a candidate is because their questions were weak and did not match up with the earlier discussion. Bring a notebook and pen with you because asking for these items during when interviewing is a big disqualifier as well.

  1. You didn’t make eye contact with the hiring manager.

Being nervous is understandable, but not making eye contact in an interview is a red flag for hiring managers. Interviewers might also think you seem distracted and disinterested in the conversation. Hiring managers are people, too, and they want to have genuine conversations with the people that may be future employees on their teams.

  1. You didn’t articulate why you wanted to work for that specific company.

This the most common reason why our clients reject people who thought they aced their interview. Hiring managers often ask, “Why do you want to work here?” towards the end of the conversation. Some applicants explain why they are looking to leave their current company or the reasons they would be a strong fit for the role they are interviewing for. Neither of these responses answers the question at hand and leaves hiring managers feeling as if you cannot speak to the reasons you want to work at their company. You should respond specifically why you want to work for that hiring manager at that organization explicitly. Show your passion for the company’s product, vision, and team.

Has this happened to you? Let us know your story in the comments!

Story via: Victoria Cella