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The Most Common Types of Sales Closes

The Betts Team
July 7, 2016

Anyone in sales, regardless of the industry, has heard of these sales closes. But what makes them so successful? We’ve outlined the most common four closes and how they tap into the customer’s perception of an opportunity. Which one is your go to?

If, then, right?

One of the most popular sales closes is the “if, then, right?” statement. This formula helps outline the effects, particularly the desired effects that will happen if a customer moves forward with your solution. Putting a choice in simple terms can help a consumer digest the actual opportunity they are evaluating and make smaller decisions to work towards a greater sale.

The Summary

Oftentimes, the summary close is just what a client needs. Taking time to sum up your sales pitch, the opportunities pros and cons, and a client’s needs can be in and of itself enough of an argument to move forward with a solution. Make sure you actively listen in order to prepare the summary and bring up important pain points that your client mentioned. An incomplete summary close can seem as though you are diminishing or avoiding a topic that a client may feel strongly about.

Risk vs. Reward

As consumers become responsible for greater decisions or decisions that affect multiple people, the “right” choice isn’t always clear. The risk vs. reward close helps clients take the time to outline what the risks are for moving forward with a solution. If the reward outweighs the risks, then pragmatically it can be deemed the right choice. A salesperson shouldn’t try to skew the scale though. Make sure you stay true to a customer’s worries when outlining the risks. In doing so, a customer can feel that their concerns were indeed understood and considered.

I Guess You Don’t Want It

Most of the time, people find it is easier to put off making a decision if there isn’t a strict deadline. The close that removes the offer is one that causes a consumer to make a snap judgment call. Shrinking the availability of the opportunity, especially by putting someone on the spot can call up a person’s gut reaction and move beyond their hesitations. This close can either result in a sale or not. As a salesperson, you need to truly understand your client and whether or not the opportunity is the right fit before using this close. The added pressure will work to your advantage only if you know the client agrees with the solution and the issue is just taking action.