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Stop Job Search Failure Before it Starts

Stop Job Search Failure Before it Starts

The Betts Team
July 8, 2011

Experiencing failure can be one of the most difficult parts of a job search for candidates and recruiters alike.  For candidates, finding out that you were turned away from a job because you do not fit the job description or company culture can be very discouraging.  For recruiters, whose job it is to find the right match between candidates and hiring companies, failure during a job search can be also be extremely disappointing when all of your hard work results in letting your client and candidate down.

The key to avoiding these less than favorable situations is to establish an open and honest relationship between recruiter and candidate. In doing so, recruiters can be up front with their candidates about exactly which positions they are best suited for and how they align with each company’s values and culture. Candidates can be clear about their career goals and ensure that their recruiter knows the skills and assets they can contribute to a future employer.  By being honest and having realistic expectations between each party, recruiters and candidates can form great long-term relationships and be very successful in their job searches and placements.

Not only will this type of relationship set you up for success, the honesty established between recruiter and candidate will lay a foundation for open communication and continued investment should failure occur. And If it does occur, use it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Being up front about what didn’t work can be essential in succeeding in your next endeavor.