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Startups, Investors & Cocktails Event

Startups, Investors & Cocktails Event

The Betts Team
September 19, 2012

Industry events provide the perfect platform for networking with startups and furthering your professional contacts. Not only do you benefit from the information shared, but the connections you build are an invaluable asset to your career. Check out the event below to meet startups founders and investors! Use the” Betts Discount” code to get 20% off your ticket price!

280 Events is hosting a startup & investor mixer!  Come and see some of the coolest tech firms in Silicon Valley showcase their products in an expo format.

Hummer Winblad, Rustic Canyon, and Onset Ventures will be holding office hours for tech companies who want quick feedback and advice on their company.
If you are interested in speaking with one of the investors, please email your company info.

Event Details:
Wednesday, September 26th, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. PST

Where: Carbon – 383 Bay Street, San Francisco, CA 9413

What: Startups, Investors, & Cocktails Mixer

Price: $10 (Early Bird) / $15 (Standard Bird) / $20.00 (Never To Late Bird) –(Includes 1 cocktail, must be 21+)