Betts Recruiting

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Recruiter Spotlight: Lauren Crane

The Betts Team
October 10, 2018

How long have you been with Betts?


I’ll have been at Betts 3 years in December!


What’s your Betts story?


I started as a candidate with a Betts Recruiter. After a few different external interview processes, she told me that Betts was hiring. I started as an Recruiting Coordinator, then moved to SDR Recruiting, then AE, then Enterprise, and now I am happily in Leadership recruiting. I have seen many parts of this business throughout the years.


What is the best part of being a Bettster?


I really like how you can own your own desk and build your own strong connections with different sales leaders. I am learning so much from conversations and relationships with people who have seen such great success throughout their careers. The culture at Betts also really lends itself to creating great friendships and growth opportunities.


What roles do you recruit for?


I now recruit for Leadership roles.


What makes you unique as a recruiter?


I believe I am pretty assertive so I really try – no matter the role – to build strong connections and treat my candidates as my friends. I enjoy building trust from the beginning and ensuring guidance throughout the entire process. I am not afraid to really champion my candidates to hiring managers – ensuring the perfect fit.


What’s the first thing you look for when meeting a new candidate?


I look for a track record of success or notable wins in the industry they are looking to be placed in.


What’s your favorite bit of advice for new candidates?


I really enjoy advising candidates to stay humble, but be confident. You are going to be forever learning in your career, but you still need to be able to present yourself in the best light.


What 5 words would your candidates use to describe you?


Passionate, Insightful, Thorough, Personable, Adaptable


How do you spend your time when you’re not recruiting?


I love cooking, being outdoors (especially the beach), going to the gym, and enjoying a glass of wine.