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On the Podcast Circuit: Carolyn Stops By Hiring University!

The Betts Team
May 12, 2020

Last week, Betts founder Carolyn Betts Fleming continued her run on the podcast circuit by dropping by Hiring University!, a podcast hosted by our friends at Ursus. Carolyn and Hiring University host Jon Beck had a great chat about what the business world, particularly as it relates to hiring, can do to thrive in the current environment. 

Whether you’re a hiring manager or a professional looking for your next role, here are some of the main takeaways from the podcast. You can listen to the full recording here.

Takeaways for professionals

Carolyn’s main piece of advice for professionals seeking opportunities was simple: There are still opportunities out there. Yes, it’s harder than it was a few months ago, and yes, lots of companies have frozen their hiring. But if you can target industries that have actually managed to grow during the pandemic – industries like healthcare and security – you’ll find there are lots of opportunities to advance your career with a new role.

In fact, this month, a number of our partners have offers out to candidates. This includes one person who met with a candidate (remaining at a safe physical distance and wearing a mask, of course) to make an offer in person. 

The only thing to remember is that you’ve got to make yourself stand out – especially with all the competition currently out there. Carolyn’s tip: Treat your job search like a sales process. Focus on the top of the funnel. That means talking to as many people as possible. The more conversations you have, the more opportunities will come your way.

Takeaways for hiring managers

This is an excellent time to up-level the skill set on your team. A lot of top-quality talent that may have been locked away at other companies before the pandemic is now on the market. If you can find room at your company for new headcount, these talented and very available professionals could be yours. 

Betts knows where to find these people. Reach out to us to get connected with them.

Get to know Carolyn

The podcast also provided a bit of a window into the leader behind Betts Recruiting. Things you’ll learn about her include:

  • She started her career selling ads in the Yellow Pages. (Can you believe there was a time when you needed to look up someone’s number in a gigantic book if you wanted to get ahold of them?)
  • She embraces the “No Regrets” mentality.
  • You’ll even learn a bit about her parents – like how her dad sometimes tips her off to professionals he knows who might be looking for a job.

Listen to the podcast for the rest of Carolyn’s advice!