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Betts Recruitng San Francisco OfficeNinja Alexis Croswell

Our Own Betts Recruiting San Francisco Alexis Croswell is An "OfficeNinja All-Star!"

The Betts Team
April 22, 2015

Far too often the true heroes of our offices go unrewarded. Today is not that day…


This week, is honoring Betts Recruiting San Francisco’s own Alexis Croswell as an “OfficeNinjas All-Star!”

Alexis is the Office Manager for San Francisco-based Betts Recruiting. She handles everything from day-to-day operations to new employee onboarding to organizing staff events. She received OVER 40 nominations from her peers (wow!), and everyone made a point to comment on her attention to detail, workplace innovation and can-do attitude. –  OfficeNinjas

To check out the full OfficeNinja article: Click Here

Read on to learn more about what an OfficeNinja is with this excerpt:

The Officeninja Manifesto

Who are OfficeNinjas?

We are office managers, vibe managers, and operations gurus. We are assistants of the executive, administrative, and personal orders.

We are both virtual and in-the-flesh.

We are a corps of workplace warriors who carry tech tools, people skills, and multi-tasking muscles instead of ropes and grappling hooks. We are the heroes of efficiency.

We keep offices around the world happy and running smoothly.

Our work often goes undetected, quietly happening in the shadows of cubicles and front desks. We operate covertly, but our impact is vast and irrefutable.

We are OfficeNinjas.