You’ve accepted a new job- Congratulations! But now the real work begins. Give yourself a big pat on the back, and get ready to work your butt off because landing the job is only the first step. It’s now time to make good on all those promises you made in your interview.
The first few months of work are crucial to proving yourself. First impressions are judged harshly for a reason, which is why it is important to show your commitment right away, and don’t let the energy fade. This not only helps you build results and reach your goals, but it builds trust with your hiring managers, proving them right in bringing you onto the team. Go above and beyond those first few months, learn the ways of the company, devote all of your energy and effort to the company’s mission. Take on the attitude of first in and last out. Essentially, not only meet expectations, but exceed them.
Indeed you may be working late hours sometimes early on, but these are the hard-working hours that will pay off down the road. It is important to put in time outside of the office in order to build and maintain relationships with those you work with. From colleagues to clients to bosses, getting to know them and letting them get to know you is extremely valuable. Take your clients out to coffee, meet up with coworkers for happy hour; show those around you not only your ability and talent in the office, but your true character and lively personality.
Are things getting tough? Don’t freak out.
It is inevitable you will make mistakes in these first few months. Obviously, this is a phase that you will be diving into and learning an important role, figuring out different processes and systems and organizing your time appropriately. Accept and understand that mistakes will happen. In order to overcome this, it is important to remember these things: ASK QUESTIONS. If you are uncertain about something, anything, go to a colleague or someone with experience who can help. Better safe than sorry, and while trial and error is a common occurrence, there is no shame in asking if you are hesitant, or simply don’t know.
When you do make a mistake, which you will, I highly recommend taking note of your error, writing it down on paper and placing it somewhere visible. This way, you not only learn from your mistake, but you remember it and you can avoid repeating it down the road. Having that list of “do-not’s” and highlighting what you’ve done wrong and what you should have done will ultimately contribute to your overall diligence. Most importantly, take ownership of your mistakes. Never place the blame on someone else or get defensive, this will only worsen the situation and hinder others from trusting you. By taking responsibility for your actions, you will insure colleagues and hiring managers of your accountability and respectfulness. Plain and simple, recover quickly.
In synopsis, it is crucial to build and establish your reputation quickly and efficiently. Studies show that the first 90 days are when managers make their minds up about what kind of employee you will be. It is during these first few months that you earn the trust of those you are working with and show them why you’re there. Land your job, and let that excitement translate into work ethic, channeling this energy into focus on performance. You want to become a significant contributor within this company so stay confident, find your comfort, invest the time in order to help yourself drive results. The spotlight is on you now, so make the sacrifices and you’ll excel.
Betts Recruiting is the leading recruitment firm specializing in revenue-generating talent. Betts partners with the world’s most innovative companies to build their sales, marketing and business development teams.