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It’s a No From The CEO. Why?

Carolyn Betts Fleming
December 11, 2018

Written by Carolyn Betts Fleming


You’ve made it to the last stage of your interview and have a final call with the CEO. A surprising number of people believe this is simply a closing checkbox and the job is in the bag, however the process is far from done.


As a CEO who values this call with potential employees, I take these conversations very seriously. We’ve seen many individuals disappointed when a rejection comes after a final round so I outlined what I’m looking for when closing this important conversation!


When interviewing candidates I look for:

  • Passion and interest in working at Betts Recruiting
  • Intelligent and thoughtful questions
  • Proactively asking about your standing in the hiring process
  • An ability to close me and ask for the job
  • A well written thank you note sent the same day as the interview


I appreciate when a potential employee has researched our content, company values, has explored our blogs, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages, and shows enthusiasm in joining our industry, with a clear understanding of what part of the business interests them. Every person I hire is an ambassador for our company, inside and outside of the office, regardless of specific position or skill set. I am always looking to ensure Betts employees can tell our company story with sincere passion.


Our offices are fun and lively with an energetic and outgoing team of young professionals, which can attract a person looking for fun, missing the hard work and grit one needs to perform here. During the final interview, I’m looking for excitement about the new position, ensuring the candidate will succeed and wants to join the team for the right reasons. I want to hear about tenacity, history of success and what they’ve learned from failures. I value an overall desire to win and consistently go above and beyond, and answers that showcase these traits are a must.


A few common and detrimental mistakes include being too long-winded, negative sentiment towards a previous job, disinterest in our brand, and not understanding the demands of the job.  For example, I value life outside of work, but in our industry, life at Betts Recruiting consists of long hours around others’ schedules. As hiring authorities, we must be readily available to work outside of traditional hours as our partners have full time jobs. It’s important to me that someone understands their day to day from the beginning and is still incredibly passionate about the role.  


When speaking with the CEO, remain intentional, express interest, and close them on your candidacy. Remember, you’re speaking to the person who has a 30,000 foot view of the business and takes extreme care to ensure the success of the business as a whole.


Betts Recruiting has helped thousands of candidates land the CEO call and find their dream job. If you are looking to take the next step in your career reach out today!