Sending a thank you note is common practice after any interview. But is a thank you note the same as an interview thank you email? The short answer is yes. Mailing an actual note can be a nice touch, but falls short when compared to an email’s expediency. If you plan to send a handwritten note, send a thank you email as well to cover your bases. Below are four tips to help you write a great interview thank you email.
Make it Personal
After every interview, take five minutes and write out any interesting information you learned about your interviewer or the company. Jotting down anecdotes from your interview can help you write a more personalized follow-up thank you email. Adding an individual touch to your email can help demonstrate your interest in the company and your ability to build rapport. Asking questions that move beyond what you spoke about in your interview can also show your grasp of a company’s mission and product. Above all, differentiate your email from other candidates with specific references to the personal connections you establish when interviewing.
Make it Fast
The best aspect of a thank you email note is its speed. If you are sending a thank you email after an interview, make sure you hit send within 24 hours of your meeting. Don’t let a hiring manager doubt whether or not you will follow up with them. When it comes to email follow-up, the sooner the better. Stay fresh in a hiring manager’s mind and keep the interview fresh in your mind. Especially if you are setting up next steps, make sure you are able to get the soonest available next interview slot. Don’t let yourself slip through the cracks because you waited too long. You may miss out on a great opportunity just because you didn’t make the follow-up a priority!
Make it Concise
Emails are meant to be brief. Plan out your points before you begin typing. What is the goal of your email? Do you need to set up next steps? Are you clarifying a point that was discussed during the interview? Address the important asks and responses early on in the email instead of burying them underneath unnecessary fluff. Having a personal hook is more than enough to establish a rapport over an email. Since many emails are now read on phone screens, try to keep your thank you email under three paragraphs. Don’t make someone spend time having to scroll through your follow-up.
Make it Perfect
Finally, don’t forget to use spell-check. Even though you’re typing away trying to send out your interview thank you email as quickly as possible, avoid making simple mistakes that can easily be avoided. Read your email out loud before hitting send. Triple check the spelling of a hiring manager’s name. Always spell-check your subject line, too! Following these steps will help you represent your professionalism in the best light, and leave a positive last impression. After all, this could be the difference between the B-players and the rockstar candidates!