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Handling the Emotional Swings of Working in Sales

Handling the Emotional Swings of Working in Sales

The Betts Team
April 13, 2015

Working in sales can be like riding a roller coaster — sometimes you are riding high on a great sale and sometimes you are feeling low from lack of sales. Great salespeople are able to endure the ride and achieve success over the long haul. There are many things you can do to stay positive, and here are a few of my favorite tips.

Stay Healthy, Boost Confidence
A great salesperson is equipped with self-motivation that does not allow them to give up. Confidence and perseverance are the hallmarks of these tireless sales leaders who see every rejection as a new opportunity. One of the secrets to staying motivated and confident is through self-care. Seasoned professionals know how tough their work is and they stay physically and mentally fit to prepare for the future. Regular workouts, healthy eating, and a good night’s sleep are ways to focus on achieving to your full potential.

Leverage time for Research
Successful salespeople turn downtime into time for researching new connections and potential clients. Internet savvy salespeople use software (such as Salesforce) to track customers. They also use social media websites like LinkedIn or Twitter to seek out new clients and opportunities. This research is the homework that needs to happen to make game-changing sales.

Don’t Dwell
Even if the big deal you’ve been trying to close for weeks caves in, or your best client moves to a competitor, it’s important not to dwell on the negative. Reflect on what happened, learn from your mistakes and then focus on the future and what’s going right. Believe it or not, even over the phone, customers can feel when you’re in a bad mood and may not want to buy from you. People are more likely to become customers if you’re positive and excited about your product.

Flood Yourself With Positivity
If you’ve had a down week (or even month) it’s important to neutralize that negativity with something positive. Try listening to motivational podcasts – like or audiobooks – like “How to Win Friends & Influence People” to flood yourself with positivity on the drive home, during your workout, or when you wake up in the morning.

While sales may have its ups and downs, a great salesperson is always ready to ride the waves. Nurture yourself and your sales team by focusing on these qualities that make a great sales leader.

Article by Claire Taylor – LinkedIn