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Get the Most out of your LinkedIn (1)

Get the Most Out of Your LinkedIn

The Betts Team
April 3, 2013

LinkedIn boasts over 200 million members in 200 countries and territories. With the prevalence of social media today, job seekers and professionals have turned to LinkedIn as their go-to source for networking. Have you ever wondered what hiring managers look for in LinkedIn profiles? Follow these guidelines:

1)   Start with your picture

You need one. Profile pictures help put a face to the name. A good quality photo will let the person looking at your LinkedIn feel like they know you a little better and will help your profile gain a more personal feel. Remember, not any picture will do. Refrain from using pictures that you put up on your Facebook. When choosing a picture, make sure it is a simple photo of you in a professional sitting (this means no sunglasses on your head!)

2)   Stay up-to-date

Title, title, title. Having your current title, location, and the industry you’re working in makes your profile easy to mine for recruiters and hire. If you’re a job seeker, this will ensure you’re being seen for the right opportunities. Even if you’re looking to hire or just wanting to keep your LinkedIn updated, this will create a more accurate picture of who you are.

3)   Don’t copy your resume

This is the most important part. A general rule is to make sure it reads like a baseball card. As a sales person, make sure to highlight your achievements- whether you were president of a club, rookie of the year, or you exceeded your quota at your previous job. Especially for job seekers, expand on sections that are more relevant for the job you want to be hired for. Break down the role in more detail (think 3-4 bullet points for each) and be sure to include metrics. If it is something important that you’re proud of, make sure it is clearly outlined at the top. However, even with the networking power of LinkedIn, resumes are still really important – make sure to keep some goodies just for your resume.

4)   Join Groups

Join relevant groups. This can be groups of the industry you’re working with, or groups of leaders you respect. Joining LinkedIn groups allows you to follow the news, stay relevant, and hear the buzz. At the end of the day, you’re still trying to expand your network.

5)   Making Connections

Linking with new people is great, as long as they are relevant to the industry or position you are looking for. While having a lot of connections is nice, it does not benefit you if these connections are not willing to further your personal network. You may connect with people you haven’t met before, as long as they can see from your profile that you are relevant to their personal network. After this, use your connections to your advantage. As a recruiter, I am constantly going through my connections to see who knows who. You can make every introduction a warm one if you use the network that you’ve worked hard to build – don’t be afraid to tap into it.

If you haven’t created a LinkedIn yet, do it now! Keep yours updated and network with the right people. Have any other suggestions? Leave it in the comment box!