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Are You Hiring Without a Talent Acquisition Team?

The Betts Team
February 24, 2023

Have you found yourself needing to hire for open jobs without having a talent acquisition team to handle the process? Are you trying to refill roles after your company went through layoffs but need new feet on the ground again? 

If hiring at scale was easy, you would never need to outsource it again, but the good news is that your organization has options and we want to make sure you find the one that best fits your objectives and your budget. Having been in this business for a while, we’ve leveraged our expertise and experience to build our own solution – a hiring platform that taps into our network and leverages AI, called Connect.

Below we will cover the alternatives for hiring without a talent acquisition team, and show you why Betts Connect stands out:

Your Options for Scaling Hiring Without Talent Acquisition

It is not cost-effective for every company to have a team of internal recruiters, especially for tech startups still at Seed or an early Series round of funding. There can be a lot of misses when building in-house recruiting, along with additional costs that could come as a surprise to business founders.

Fortunately, outsourcing the biggest pains in your recruiting process is a viable solution, and one that delivers the ROI you’re looking for when the circumstances are right. From recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) providers to full-time agencies, there should be plenty of options to choose from. You can also use a job board or hiring platform to post your open jobs and browse candidates, though keep in mind that this can turn into its own full-time responsibility.

For more guidance on how to scale hiring efficiently, check out the first part of our Scale Series here.

Outsourced Hiring Options:

  • Recruiting Agency

Offers expertise and resources for sourcing candidates fast, but will charge fees that vary in type, but will typically include per-hire charges. On average these will be 20% – 25% of the salary listed for the new hire.

  • RPO Provider

Essentially talent acquisition as a service where a third party acts as your internal recruiter team along with a variety of other services provided. There are still fees, though, and depending what is included with your package these can range from 10% – 25% of the new hire’s salary.

  • Job Board

A job board is any website that allows you to post and list open positions, along with a few other potential perks depending on the particular site. Some allow you to post job listings for free, while others may charge for this along with other fees.

  • Hiring Platform

Not to be confused with a job board, a hiring platform will help you source and engage with candidates you’re looking for and recruit at the scale you need to. You can access a potentially unlimited amount of hires for a small annual fee.

For a deeper dive into recruitment options – and their costs – read Part 5 of our Scale Series here.

No Talent Acquisition Team? No Problem!

If you have ever had to think long and hard about whether to outsource your recruiting, then you have likely weighed the pros and cons seriously. Agencies and RPO providers each have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to costs, and job boards will be tough to use at scale without a talent acquisition team. There may be ways to offset these in normal circumstances, but in a time of disruption when your revenue rests on finding the right new hires, do you want to take a chance?

This is why Betts Connect is designed as an alternative to the traditional models tech companies have had to rely on for sourcing qualified candidates. It allows you to tap into our network of pre-vetted talent for go-to-market (GTM) roles without having to commit to the legwork of a job board or pay a per-hire fee.

What is Betts Connect?

The Connect platform is an automated portal that curates lists of job seekers with mainly sales, marketing and customer success experience. Candidate searches are organized based on your selected filters and KPIs (key performance indicators), which can include everything from location and salary expectations to largest deal size and industry sold into. You can connect with and schedule interviews with candidates that match your requirements directly from the platform.

Just in Time

Just in Time (JIT) Talent is an AI matching tool available to Betts Connect users which automatically sources candidates based on your specified requirements. Because of the accuracy of this algorithm, JIT allows you to skip the first round of candidate outreach and purchase a guaranteed interview for as many job seekers as you want.

For more information on Just in Time Talent, check out our product sheet here.

RPO 2.0 – Best of Both Worlds

With Connect and Just in Time, companies that need to hire without a talent acquisition team in place get the best of both worlds of agency service and technology. 

Scaling with Technology

Unlike other hiring platforms, Betts Connect is built to help companies scale and JIT leverages AI automation to ramp up hiring on short notice. Manually sourcing with other solutions will lead to time wasted on bad matches and hunting for the right fit – and with the expenses building up the longer it takes to onboard someone, your cost-per-hire (CPH) will grow and take away from your ROI.

On the outsourced agency side, RPOs might seem like they’re worth the price tag for the level of service, but the fees add up and it can be easy to forget they’re a third party until they bring forward a bunch of terrible matches. Betts Connect is a fraction of the cost of an agency but still provides better quality candidates than an RPO provider typically does.

Recruiting for Go-to-Market Jobs in Tech

The biggest obstacle to finding the right candidates today is digital noise, with online resumes designed more to juke the automated keyword screenings than actually communicating history. When you lack a talent acquisition team, you need to go where your target talent pool lives to sidestep this issue – Connect has the largest network of pre-vetted GTM talent for tech in one place.

See How Connect Scales Your Hiring Without Talent Acquisition

If you need to hire for sales, marketing and customer success jobs, quickly and more than one at a time, then Betts Connect is your most cost-effective option. Connect and Just in Time are built to help you scale your recruiting according to your resources, time and goals, even without a talent acquisition team. 

Sign up here to learn more about Betts Connect and see how it will transform your internal recruiting process.