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A Job Seeker's Interview Guidelines for Sales Startups

The Betts Team
August 4, 2016

Although there are countless interview tips floating around, I always find myself coming back to the following four main points when prepping with candidates before interviews. You’ll be sure to make a lasting impression if you stick to these interview guidelines during your job search!

Over Prepare

Everyone stresses the need to prepare for an interview, but not everyone outlines exactly what that means. At Betts, we encourage job seekers to start their research by first learning the market, the company, and crafting a solid “elevator pitch.” We also highlight the importance of knowing whom you’re interviewing with, and connecting with them on LinkedIn. Having an immediate connection with a hiring manager because of a school affiliation or common interest can help establish a better relationship. Lastly, preparation refers to logistics as well. Go over your resume for typos, print multiple copies, dress to impress, and map out how you’re going to get to the interview on time. Although these steps may seem obvious, it’s easy to overlook something and then deal with unnecessary stress the day of.

Love the Product

Liking a company and loving a company are two different things. If you’re not sure what a company does, why the product is important, or how it helps their customers–then chances are it’s not a good fit. Trying to sell or represent a product you don’t find interesting and inspiring is a waste of good energy. Hiring managers will be able to see that. Make sure that you find a way to love a product before going into the interview. Your passion will shine through.

Focus on Culture

“Culture” is a word thrown around a lot during interviews. Although it seems cliché, finding the right culture fit it is actually a huge component of every company’s hiring process. It should also be an integral part of your own interview process! Paying attention to a company’s internal culture helps you determine whether or not you fit in with it’s larger personality both on and off the job. Take notes during onsite interviews, and make sure to ask yourself: can I see myself working with these people, in this office every single day (and maybe grabbing a drink with them after work too)?

Interviews are meant to be formal and can be slightly awkward. Trust that your gut instinct can help you decide whether or not you’ll enjoy being a part of the company. Working in an environment where your personality doesn’t mesh can affect not only your career path, but also your overall happiness.

Don’t Forget to say Thank You!

Growing up in Texas, my mom always preached the power of a good, old-fashioned thank you note after any occasion. Interviews are no different, and following up can often be the most important part of the process. Not sending an email immediately after your interview can signal to a hiring manager that your excitement isn’t sincere. If you love the opportunity, take advantage of the thank you note to let the company know why you’re an ideal candidate for that role! A personalized email is something that can easily be forwarded to other key decision makers and work in your favor. Nailing an interview means you made a lasting impression on every single person you met with. A solid thank you note is an integral, final part of the interview process.