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5 Signs Job Danger

5 Signs Your Job is in Danger and What to Do About It

The Betts Team
June 27, 2019

Worried your job is at risk? It can be easy to miss red flags, even one leading to a pink slip. If you’re getting a gut feeling that your job might be in danger then you need to pay attention. Learn how to read the signs and plan for the future.

Don’t ignore these 5 signals that it could be time to find a new job:

1. Is your manager avoiding you?

We all have our busy times, your boss included. Maybe she is busy interviewing or training a new hire or tackling a learning curve with new systems in place in the office. But if it’s business as usual and you’re getting radio silence, that’s a bad sign. If you’re feeling avoided, try to stay calm and be observant.

When was the last time you had a talk longer than 2 minutes? Has your normal side banter about her beagle gone out the window? Have you received fewer emails from her, or are her emails starting to seem more like a paper trail? Are important meetings with your manager getting cancelled more frequently or continually moved back? Even if your last performance review was flawless, job security is never actually a guarantee.

Fact: Whether they realize it or not, managers frequently avoid employees as much as possible before an impending layoff or restructure because of decisions that may or may not be within their control. So, if you notice that your teammates are having regular meetings and run in’s in the hallway with her then it’s probably time to plan your exit strategy.

2. Is your role losing relevance?

Workplaces and roles are constantly in flux and the gig economy is blurring lines and roles for sales and marketing. The best career advice is to stay alert. Do you feel like you’re losing rank because you’re being asked to fewer meetings or events you attended previously? Are you running out of work to do? Are you frequently losing regular projects to other teams or team members? Are more of your projects being outsourced? If you answered “yes” to more than one of these questions then it’s definitely time to start searching for a new job.

Because the bottom line is if you feel like your role is losing relevance then it probably is. That’s the bad news. The good news? You can quietly start your job search for an employer looking for someone with your exact skills.

3. Is that a desk fan or a chill in the air?

No one wants to be the workplace pariah, obviously. So, if your managers or team members are consistently acting differently and seem to be distancing themselves from you then take note. They could be giving you subtle queues that changes are on their way.

Busy weeks and off days happen, but if your team seems less engaged or less friendly with you overall, they may also have a feeling that big changes are coming.

4. Dreading going back to work?

If you’re feeling anxiety Sunday evening, it’s possible that things just aren’t working anymore at work. Maybe you’re checked out because you’re feeling less valued or something is missing in your role. Maybe you’re suffering from burnout, (no really, that’s a medical condition). Whatever the reason for burnout or anxiety—and you should ask yourself what it is—it’s probably a sign that you aren’t in the right place.

Whether or not your job is at risk, being disengaged at work can lead to poor performance and worse performance reviews. Besides, wouldn’t you rather be doing what you love at a company you love?

5. Is your team shrinking?

Are people being restructured out of your team or reallocated elsewhere? Or, are your teammates jumping ship without being replaced? Is your team’s budget shrinking?

Either way, (or instead), polish that resume and LinkedIn profile and start putting feelers out quietly to your network. Keep an eye on job search boards and while you’re at it, give yourself a boost. Follow some good hashtags on Twitter or LinkedIn like #careerchange or #careerinspiration. Find a new motivational playlist on YouTube or Apple Music. Take care of yourself so you’re positioned for success, wherever you go.

Control what you can.

Surround yourself with positive people who show they care about you outside of the office. Treat yourself to relieve some of your work stress – whether that means an extra yoga class for you or a massage. Practice positive self talk.

Remind yourself that you are not your position. If this role doesn’t pan out it’s because you’re meant to do great things, elsewhere. And if things aren’t feeling right in your current position, find the right position. We can help with that part.