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First Month

5 Musts for Your First Month on the Job

The Betts Team
May 31, 2019

Congratulations on your new job! If you’re reading this then you’ve nailed your interview, conquered your job search and you’re starting a new position. You’ve made a good first impression already. Now you’re ready to continue that momentum through the first 30 days on the job. Because, don’t forget, your first month in your new role will make a lasting impression too.

Whether this is your first role out of college, or your fifth, the first month on the job can be challenging and a little intimidating—even for the most seasoned professionals. But with this blog as your guide, you can adjust to your new workplace, settle into your new role and start things off on the right foot with your new boss and team.

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Start setting yourself up for success now. Here are 5 musts for your first 30 days:

1. Listen more, talk less.

Your first 30 days on the job are all about active listening. You’ll be meeting new people, getting a feel for the company culture, learning dynamics (spoken and unspoken) and picking up on manager expectations. Be ready learn how you can help your colleagues, take notes and pay attention. Don’t be shy about asking questions.

Even if you’re coming into a new marketing or sales position to be a change agent or leader, first, learn about what’s working already. Be a sponge. Listen and make it clear that you care about what your colleagues bring to the table, so you can start building trust first, before pitching your own ideas.

2. Meet with everyone you can.

In your first 30 days on the job, you’ll want to meet with all the colleagues who are involved or active stakeholders in your output. In your first meeting with your manager, ask them who you’ll be working with most and who they recommend setting up meetings with during your first month in your new role.

Before you schedule meetings, send out an introduction email to each of these colleagues. Share your background, your current role and that you’re looking to learn more about how you can make them and the larger team successful. Your boss might be able to give you some pointers on how you’ll collaborate or work together—this is really helpful for your counterparts in cross-functional roles, especially at larger organizations.

When you have these meetings, come prepared with questions outlined on how you can support joint goals and functions. This can help you define your work style at your new employer, while seeing if there are any gaps in processes that you can fill.

3. Set real goals.

During your first few weeks on the job, start building out goals based on the feedback you’re already getting from team members and your manager. Think about what you want to achieve during your first 90 days, into the future and how you plan to consistently improve your knowledge and performance.


Also, it’s helpful to identify any early wins you can achieve in your first month. See if you can find a way to make an immediate contribution that matters to the team. Early wins are a good sign that you’re going to be a winner for the long haul at your new employer.

4. Find a mentor.

It’s always helpful to have a successful and supportive colleague who’s experienced in the day to day business and company culture. They can help you decode company acronyms, understand working dynamics and navigate working styles in different departments.

Who are the high performers in the organization? Seek out the ones who show confidence, authenticity and initiative. Get to know them and start picking their brains as soon as possible.

5. Build meaningful relationships.

That means saying “yes” to coffee, happy hour and lunch invites from coworkers—every time. Attend every office meeting possible, even if you still aren’t 100% sure that they involve your working contributions.

Every meeting and connection gives you another opportunity to learn the communication and working styles of your colleagues, pick up on office politics and prepare to start making progress in your role, faster.